Mission Zero: Deltex uniquely placed to empower clinicians with initiative to “avoid the avoidable”

“We’re aiming to make all of the avoidable postoperative complications of haemodynamic origin a thing of the past.”

Examples of haemodynamic complications after surgery include Acute Kidney Injury(AKI), Surgical Site Infection(SSI) and respiratory problems. Even minor complications can require additional treatment, prolong hospital stay and increase healthcare costs. This is why Deltex Medical has embarked on what the company is calling Mission Zero. The initiative aims to empower clinicians with the information and technology that is proven to reduce complications of haemodynamic origin. 

“…complications are not reserved for high risk patients, yet acting to ensure their avoidance often is.”

Complications that result from suboptimal haemodynamic control are far from rare. Indeed Deltex points to the fact that haemodynamic instability causes c75% of all non-surgical complications in surgical patients.

Furthermore, studies demonstrate that complications are not just reserved for high-risk patients. Strikingly, acting to ensure their avoidance often is. 

Avoiding avoidable complications

Mission Zero has two main components: Firstly, it is intended to make and communicate the clinical case for widespread adoption of Goal-Directed Haemodynamic management using Deltex’s uniquely proven oesophageal Doppler monitoring (ODM) system. 

Secondly, for its part, the company has placed the clinician “front and centre” with its new product offering. Deltex recognises the truism that adoption in more patients only comes with a user-friendly experience. 

Clinicians urged to take a fresh look at TrueVue to be empowered to reduce  avoidable complications

Deltex mailshot encourages clinicians to take a fresh look

Deltex’s new TrueVue System, featuring ODM, represents the company’s biggest ever raft of changes, all focused on the user experience. From its intuitive touchscreen, easy-to-navigate interface and the new dedicated probe holder (for improved signal acquisition and maintenance), the enhancements are obvious. Optional battery power and portability bring their own benefits. The system can now stay with the patient and clinicians can apply it in a greater range of settings. 

Mission Zero in practice as Deltex makes new TrueVue more clinician friendly

What we say

Deltex CEO Andy Mears says; “The robust clinical evidence is unequivocal: Optimising tissue perfusion using ODM greatly reduces incidence and severity of complications. As a result patients enjoy shorter hospital length of stay and less additional treatment. Furthermore hospitals see the potential for increased capacity, better outcomes and lower costs.

“Making such a sophisticated technology easy to use has always been an obvious challenge. After all, we’re measuring left ventricular output centrally, direct from the descending aorta (via the oesophagus), rather than using blood pressure as a proxy. The unique real-time accuracy came at the cost of a learning curve. Now though, new features mean deploying the system is much easier and more reproducible. We’ve taken away a barrier to adoption. In doing so we’ve gone a long way towards making Mission Zero a reality for more clinicians. We’re aiming to make many of the avoidable postoperative complications of haemodynamic origin a thing of the past. This initiative positions us to do just that.” 

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