Mission Zero
Our shared goal is to improve outcomes by avoiding complications of haemodynamic origin.
What are we trying to avoid?
Haemodynamic instability causes 75% of non-surgical complications. Furthermore suboptimal organ or tissue perfusion leads to complications that occur in surgical patients and intensive care patients.
In addition these complications can appear days or weeks after surgery. Explicitly, complications of haemodynamic origin include; AKI, acute respiratory distress, pneumonia, surgical site infection and more.
In fact the adoption of goal-directed haemodynamic management practices using oesophageal Doppler technology is uniquely proven to significantly reduce these complications.
Why focus on minimising avoidable complications?
- To avoid additional treatment
- To avoid extended hospital stays
- To avoid worse patient outcomes
- To avoid unnecessary cost
Understanding haemodynamics; it’s what we do
Deltex is a British technology company with a unique focus on haemodynamic monitoring. Applying our unique capabilities to maintain patients’ optimal haemodynamic state means clinicians can improve outcomes. It’s about avoiding the avoidable. It’s what we call…
Introducing New TrueVue with ODM: The best tool in the box
Uniquely supported by study after study, Oesophageal Doppler is so much more than just an alternative haemodynamic monitoring system. Here are just a few reasons why.
TrueVue with ODM is the only technology;
- that measures essential haemodynamic parameters directly rather than as a blood pressure proxy
- specifically proven to repeatedly improve outcomes and reduce complications, supported by 24 RCTs
TrueVue with ODM is the only monitor;
- that works on both adults and paediatrics down to 3kg
- to tell you that you’ve got fluids right, before reaching for a drug intervention
TrueVue with ODM is supported by a Unique Evidence Base
• Largest RCT (one of 24) says GDHT using Deltex ODM during major abdominal surgery significantly reduces postoperative complications 180 days after surgery
• Altogether statistically significant reductions in: AKI, acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute pulmonary oedema, pneumonia and superficial or deep SSI
• Additionally authors point to need to “minimise organ damage related to inadequate oxygen supply”
• Together with references made to “early detection” and “prompt problem rectification”
• “Adjustments in administration of fluid and drugs must be performed in a timely manner to avoid both insufficient organ perfusion and fluid overload”
New TrueVue: What’s new?
Today’s Oesophageal Doppler Monitoring:
- User front and centre
- Improved graphical user interface
- Crystal clear HD touchscreen
- Lightweight and portable stays with patient
- Internal battery
- Improved ultrasound design for easy signal acquisition
- Bespoke probe holder for better ultrasound signal maintenance
The Bottom Line
New TrueVue delivers the benefits of a unique window into patient haemodynamics. For this reason it empowers clinicians to optimise outcomes, avoid complications, improve efficiency and reduce costs.
By choosing Deltex as your monitoring partner you are adopting a technology that is uniquely proven to reduce complications of haemodynamic origin.
Ref: FEDORA study