
Haemodynamic Monitoring to improve patient safety

Deltex Medical’s proven Oesophageal Doppler Monitoring (ODM+) system is a vital tool for making clinical decisions. Clinicians use it to keep patients in their haemodynamic “sweet spot”. As a result they can avoid complications known to be associated with surgery or critical care.

Deltex Medical calls its newest software platform TrueVue™. We’ve brought together “best-in-class” alternative monitoring modes in one system. As a result the clinician has the best possible view of the patient’s haemodynamic state.


TrueVue delivers the most precise real-time picture of patient haemodynamics. Built upon the rich legacy of Oesophageal Doppler, TrueVue constructs a Doppler flow image. It measures the start, end and peak blood flow velocity directly from the aorta. As well as continuously measuring Stroke Distance (VTI) as the basis for all other parameters.

By helping clinicians to “avoid the avoidable”, ODM is a key component in delivering better outcomes. This means benefits for patients, reduced costs of care and more efficient use of precious resources.  


An unrivalled body of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) support ODM. A recent 420 patient study concludes that ODM guided management reduces post-operative complications. This translates into reduced length of stay, even in patients considered to be at only moderate risk.

…and now Portable

With battery power and intuitive HD Touchscreen controls new TrueVue delivers advanced haemodynamic monitoring across a wide range of clinical settings.

Terminus Road | Chichester | PO19 8TX | United Kingdom

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