Scoliosis Patients Benefit from Oesophageal Doppler, says New Study

“Monitoring mean blood pressure is not enough for optimal haemodynamic management.”

So says a newly published study into the predictors of intraoperative and postoperative outcomes in scoliosis surgery patients. Find the paper here

Scoliosis surgery is a high risk-intervention, yielding high postoperative complication rates. Poor outcomes often result from the procedure’s association with blood loss, transfusion and the need for fluid therapy administration.   

Enhanced Recovery protocols are widely acknowledged as instrumental in reducing postoperative morbidity “in terms of organ dysfunction and length of hospital stay. The principle is that the “patient’s general status is a predictor of postoperative evolution.”  

Link between Haemodynamic Therapy and Scoliosis Surgery Outcomes

Investigators looked at a subset of 116 scoliosis patients under 18 years of age, from an earlier monocentric observational study. They aimed to describe intraoperative and postoperative outcomes and implement improved patient management protocols with the objective of optimising postoperative outcomes. 

The study authors reviewed the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative complications. Among other therapeutic approaches they conclude that goal-directed haemodynamic therapy as part of an enhanced recovery protocol, could improve postoperative outcomes. 

Importantly they state that “monitoring mean blood pressure is not enough for optimal haemodynamic management.” They point to, among others, the Oesophageal Doppler probe (ODM+) as the best way for clinicians to assess fluid management by monitoring aortic blood flow.

Deltex CEO comments

Deltex Medical CEO Andy Mears says “Outcomes are clearly improved by keeping critically ill and major surgery patients in optimal condition throughout the perioperative period. As such it’s once again unsurprising to see Oesophageal Doppler named in this study. The investigators further reinforce our message about the importance of keeping ahead of the haemodynamic picture. Only Oesophageal Doppler has the real-time accuracy to deliver proven improvements in outcome. 

“I’d encourage any clinician with an interest in the subject to contact us and speak to our expert team about how to unleash the potential of this unique technology.” 

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