Learning Academy: HDICG (100 Points)

This quiz is created within the Deltex Learning Academy. Before completing the quiz it is recommended that you review the HDICG introduction and HDICG how to use chapters.

Hospital Name
What does HDICG stand for?

How many electrodes should be placed on the neck and thorax for HDICG

What type of electrical signal must travel through the thorax to obtain an impedance waveform

Which electrodes are placed at the base of the chest area and are responsible for receiving the emitted signal

Which 3 electrodes are responsible for transmission of ECG

Which is the path of least resistance that the electrical signal travels through on its journey through the thorax, from the emitting electrodes to the receiving electrodes?

Which part of the Impedance waveform correlates with the Systolic part of the Cardiac cycle

Which part of the Impedance waveform correlates with the left ventricle's contractility

Define Impedance

Which part of the Impedance waveform correlates with the Stroke Volume

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