Doppler Probes

Information and guidance*

The ODM+ system uses Doppler ultrasound technology to measure a patient’s blood flow and fluid status directly from the descending aorta. Easy to use and quick to focus, Deltex oesophageal Doppler probes generate a low frequency ultrasound signal which is highly sensitive to changes in flow. The result is accurate, real-time monitoring which can be used to guide fluid and drug administration.

Probe placement into the oesophagus can be either oral** or nasal and is similar to insertion of a nasogastric tube.

Probes are dedicated to either surgical or critical care use.

*Important: Always consider any underlying medical or physiological issues before insertion of a probe.
Probes can be inserted nasally or orally in sedated or anaesthetised adult patients.
**For awake or waking adult patients, it is recommended that the probes be placed nasally.

Ordering information

Single-use oesophageal Doppler probes dedicated to Surgical application.

Surgical ProbesProbe DescriptionFor use onProduct Code
DP66-hour oral/nasalPatients under anaesthesia or full sedation9070-7001
DP1212-hour oral/nasalPatients under anaesthesia or full sedation9070-7003
I2S6-hour oral/nasalPatients who are anaesthetised, sedated or awake9090-7012
I2P24-hour oral/nasalPatients who are anaesthetised, sedated or awake9090-7013

Single-use oesophageal Doppler probes dedicated to a Critical Care application.

Critical Care ProbesProbe descriptionFor use onProduct code
I2C72-hour oral/nasalPatients who are anaesthetised, sedated or awake9090-7014
DP24010 day oral/nasalPatients under anaesthesia or full sedation9070-7005

Single-use oesophageal Doppler probe dedicated to Paediatric application.

KDP72 Paediatric probe for use only with CardioQ ODM, CardioQ ODM+, CardioQP and CardioQP ODM. 72 hour paediatric oral Doppler probe for patients 3Kg and above. Product code 9081-7001 

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For further information relating to probes or for any sales enquires please call +44 (0) 1243 774 837 or email Customer Services

Terminus Road | Chichester | PO19 8TX | United Kingdom

  • Enquiries: +44 1243 774837
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