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High Definition Impedance CardioGraphy

Non-invasive Cardiac Function and Fluid Status Monitoring for Awake Patients

Deltex’s TrueVue platform software now includes non-invasive, easy-to-use, cost-effective High Definition Impedance CardioGraphy (HD-ICG). Both oesophageal Doppler and HD-ICG systems measure blood flow centrally to avoid some of the limitations associated with peripheral arterial pressure-based technologies.

HD-ICG is suitable for a wide range of clinical applications:

  • Awake surgery
  • Pre/Postoperative monitoring
  • Intensive Care
  • Emergency surgery
  • Ward

HD-ICG provides continuous, accurate and sensitive measurements of cardiac output and other haemodynamic parameters. The system is stabilised using HD-Z signal filter technology, the effect of which is shown graphically here.

HD-ICG disposable electrodes are placed on the neck and chest. The electrodes transmit and detect electrical and impedance changes in the thorax which are then utilised to measure and calculate haemodynamic parameters, including:

  • Stroke Volume/Stroke Volume Index
  • Cardiac Output/Cardiac Index
  • Heart Rate
  • Contractility
  • Ventricular Ejection Time, corrected for heart rate (VETc)

Ordering information

Part No.Description
9057-7000HD-ICG Electrodes (Non-Kitted version)
9057-7001Finished Q-Link Assembly Drawing
9057-7003Electrode Shelf-Box Kit
9057-7004HD-ICG Starter Pack

TrueVue System Brochure

TrueVue HD-ICG Brochure

HD-ICG Technical Information

Terminus Road | Chichester | PO19 8TX | United Kingdom

  • Enquiries: +44 1243 774837
  • Email: marketing@deltexmedical.com
  • Deltex App:


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