As seen on TV

TrueVue with ODM on BBC
TrueVue with ODM: Critical tool for critical care

In these Covid-19 times we’ve all become accustomed to TV coverage of critical care facilities. To the casual viewer there’s the upsetting sight of a patient undergoing therapy of the highest level as they endure the impact of this terrible disease. But what’s also striking is the forest of monitors that seem to populate the scene. 

To those of us who are “in the business” of providing lifesaving equipment to support the cause, there’s a special interest. Like critical care “trainspotters” we’re interested in the medical technology that is out there and in use, especially during times when treatments are evolving so rapidly. We’re especially adept at spotting the haemodynamic monitoring technology we know to be gold standard.

And so it was with last week’s BBC offering, Surviving the Virus: My Brother and Me. Here was Dr Xand van Tulleken being treated at University College Hospital, London. And there, in plain view was the fluid management tool proven to deliver optimised haemodynamic control. Deltex Medical’s TrueVue with Oesophageal Doppler Monitoring… a critical tool in keeping Covid patients in their haemodynamic sweet spot and as such helping to deliver the best outcomes. 

Link to the programme here.

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